The corner you see in the photo on the right marks the left corner of the building as viewed from Davisville Road.
While it may be raining cats and dogs today, the weather last week was perfect for the next stage of the process. Lightweight, pre-fabricated forms were delivered, then erected around the rebar frame.

The white forms represent what will be the back of the new facility, which faces the road. You'll enter the parking lot from the left side of the rear of the building, then park on the side that isn't visible from the road.
Thusly, the front entrance of the building actually is in the rear of the lot, on the same side as the railroad tracks that occasionally make their way into the pictures.

Here's another shot of the concrete form from the other end of the lot. Part of the wall created here will be under the ground, forming one wall of the building's lowest floor.
Have a question about the Willow Grove construction project? Let us know in the comments below and we'll do our best to answer it.
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