Friday, September 27, 2013

Construction Near Willow Grove Branch

Allow a few extra minutes for your trip to the Willow Grove Branch of Settlement Music School during the construction on Davisville Road. The construction started earlier this week on September 25 and will continue through December as the water company upgrades their pipes.

Local traffic, for residents and businesses such as the Willow Grove Branch, is being allowed past the detour signs.One or both gates to the Willow Grove Branch parking lot will be open to Settlement students during school hours.

Some suggested alternate routes, courtesy of Branch Director Patricia Manley:

Church Street is parallel to Davisville Road. Turn onto Church Street from York Road (Route 611) at the light and take a left turn, past the detour signs, onto Everett, Forest, or Abbeyview Roads which will bring you down the hill in front of the school’s parking lot.

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